Virtual Empathy

What is the influence of VR on creating empathy compared to conventional game experiences?

This was the research question for this project, where we analysed the impact of a VR simulation on creating empathy for dementia. This game was created with Unity Simulation, where users experienced a storyline of dementia including memory loss, confusion and feeling of being left out in a conversation.

The research project was thaughtful in a sense of the different approach then a design project. Here, we stated the research question based on the value of empathy in a close relationship in combination with dementia creating a huge distance in understanding. This approach and research methodology was learnful for my User & Society knowledge because of the defined background research and user test with a strong relation to ethical considerations.

I loved to program and experience with Unity since I discovered many new functions on this program and was able to create “dementia-like” scenarios in the game. I am sure this Technology & Realization tool will help me during future projects to create VR simulations.